Ograph® is where you capture, document, visualize and interact with your Scaling Up Functional Accountably Chart your Scaling Up Process Accountability Chart and your Organizational Chart, all together, all in one place, all linked, all documented, all coordinated.
software and facilitatoins for your Scaling Up functional and process Accountability Charts
make it come alive – Keep it alive
We honor the visionary org design and structure work of Verne Harnish: Paraphrased – in order to solve issues and topics quickly and efficiently we must clarify Functional Ownership and Process Ownership, just defining who reports to whom via an Org Chart is not enough.
We understand and buy-in to this work at OGraph and it is woven into the OCog Model and 14 Point Checklist.
“Having well built Functional and Process Accountability Chart that were accessible for everyone was certainly job one. As we continued on our Scaling Up journey we discovered we had the building blocks to do more, a whole a lot more! OGraph gave us a way to link our FACe and PACe with our Meetings, our Scorecards, Rocks, our Customers and Vendors etc. Now we can visualize how everything fits together for the first time ever. Key Bonus, we started storing all of our Process documentation inside our Accountability Charts using an Org Graph. Amazing. OGraph is state of the art org charting and graphing software, made our work come alive”
Capture, visualize, share, print and interact with your Scaling Up FAC and PAC Accountability Charts. Plus more.
One software that incorporates your Functional and process Accountability Charts into your org chart.
OGraph will let you capture, map and view your FACe, PACe by themselves or you can see it all linked together as part of your org chart heirarchial reporting structure.
In the video to the right we show how OGraph allows you to capture your functional accountability chart work in the form of positions/roles that then link back to the job/seat creating clear ownership that is visiable to the entire organization.
build, capture, view and share your Process accountability chart – link to KPIs and People
Building out your Proccess Accountability Chart and their owners is eash with OGraph. Link it all up and view it all.
Link procedures to your Processes in your Process Accountability Chart.
The third and very important step to a PAC after identifying your core Processes, their owners and their KPIs is working on the sub-processes, the work instructions, the policies… or what we call procedures in this video.
free test drive – immediate access
Free Sandbox Access. What better place to start than seeing how easy it is to build your interactive Accountability Chart than by playing with the technology in real time in our Sandbox.
Click here for easy free Sandbox access.
You can also access by dropping down the “more” menu in the header.
Hope you enjoy it, our compliments. Walt
Facilitations for Scaling Up’s PAC and FAC Accountability Charts
learn two proven facilitations that get to the heart of the Pac and Fac super fast.
In the OCog Model we have two very specific facillations we teach to get organized around both Scaling Up accountability charts.
The first is “Cracking Eggs, Pulling Teeth and Making Omelets” this is the facilitation we use to identify all of the Functional Accountability Positions that must be owned by leadership to be sure Functional Accountably is clearly assigned and owned.
We use the “Flower Power” Exercise to get a complete inventory of all of the Doing Roles/Positions in a company and this leads to a clear mapping to and inventory of all of the Processes/Policies/Work Instructions / Workflows that are being followed and managed inside an organization.
When done correctly this is a large body of work that is hard to capture and visualize using 2 Dimensional Tools like Org Charts, forms and spreadsheets, thus OGraph.
If you are interested in getting trained in our powerful facilitations reach out to Walt Brown at walt@7q7p.com or visit our coach training site at by clicking here.
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