Couple your EOS ® Accountabilty Chart with your  EOS core process component software. SOPs, and Core Processes.

One single point of truth

Document, Visualize, Orient, On-board, Train, Update and Refine your core process component… all from your Accountability Chart Software!

With your EOS Core Process Component Software as OGraph, Roles are a function of a Seat. Roles follow Procedures (SOPs, Tasks etc.). Procedures are often a procedure of a Core Process, but, not always.  Imagine if this was visable, diagramed, out in the open, linked, clickable for all to see?

Eos core processes roles seats with your eos accountabiity chart built out with clear roles the steps to core process documentation and understanding are simple click easy.

If you grasp the meaning of the image and sentence above, you will see that inventorying and documenting your Standard Operating Procedures and Core Processes from the Roles of your EOS Accountability Chart is a simple step function; and the order of operations once you have identifed your Roles is as easy as asking a series of two questions:

Question 1. What SOPs, Tasks, Checklists (aka Procedures) are performed by Role X?  Make a list, these are the Procedures that are added to your OGraph enabled EOS Accountability Chart as either as a separate Procedure Node or stored inside a Procedure Node as files, photos, videos, links or rich text html documents, etc.

Question 2. Now that we have the Procedures for Role X out in the open, we ask: Is there an interdependency? i.e. Does this Procedure require another Role to complete a task and handoff the result off to Role X? Or is there a downstream Role that has a Procedure which depends on  informatoin from Role X, upstream, to  complete first?  Make of list of these interdependencies / handoffs and then label the workflow where the handoff happens as a Core Process.

Roles – Procedures – Core Processes

Showing how roles are part of a seat and roles follow procedures that are part of an eos core process

In the BPMN 2.0 (The International Business Process Notation Standard), Roles own “Tasks / Procedures / Elements” inside a workflow and  workflow swimlanes are owned by Roles.

When you add a Role Node or Procedure Node to your OGraph Accountability Chart canvas, it auto-populates the OGraph Business Process Modeling module. Building a Process workflow diagram is as simple as adding a new element, choosing (via a drop down menu) which Role owns it and connecting the work.  See example of Role based swimlanes below.

Swimlane Examples Below – OGraph knows what you want to see and draws it for you.

How seats and roles that follow procedures belong to swimlanes of core processes
Visualizing core processes as they tie to your eos accountability chart is clean and simple
Sops and business processes are captured, modeled, mapped and visualized straight from your ograph org chart work.

Training is at the heart of this solution. Roles can have Role Coaches in your Ograph powered Accountability Chart that drives your EOS Core Process Component Software 

When an individual has a question about how to do their Role or the Roles’s Procedures, they can quickly see who to turn to, who the subject matter expert is that knows they are the Role’s Coach.

Image Below: Every Role can have a Coach assigned.

Roles have role coaches

Imagine your Accountability Chart as the single point of truth with EOS Core Process Component Software 

Right click any node from your OGraph Accountability Chart or Process Module to access every training document, video, procedure or policy you need.

As part of every node, OGraph has storage, linking, rich-text html.  It is where your employees go for a single point of truth, their Accountability Chart.   If it is not obvious via the OGraph diagrams, OGraph is searchable, it is easy to find the content and answers you need about how to do your job, or who to turn to.  All in one location, One Single Point of Truth – tied tightly to your Seats and Roles.

Image Below: Every Node allows Deep Rich Text Editing

Every node includes a rich text editor.

Image Below: Every Node allows easy access file upload and storage. 

Every nodes allows the upload and storage of files and documents.

OGraph Business Process Modeling Software is your EOS Core Process Software.

OGraph Business Process is an advanced business process design and execution software created with your entire organization in mind—from managers, to process modelers and task owners.

It provides an intuitive interface for creating BPMN 2.0 – compliant processes, and has an integrated process execution engine to ensure processes are run precisely and consistently.

OGraph Business Process makes responsibilities clear and enables teams to track tasks and spot bottlenecks, so your entire organization runs smoothly and efficiently.

Process Mapping – A Bird’s eye view.

Get a bird’s-eye view of your network of processes and their relationships to one another. The map is automatically generated from the message events, signal events, and call activities that connect your processes. View processes grouped by department, see only published processes or drafts, and add placeholder processes to build the high-level map before you get into the details.

User perminssion

Process Designer

Start with a blank canvas or save modeling time by copying a similar process to use as a starting point. Drag and drop elements onto the canvas using the palette, and easily undo changes if necessary.  Very little typing or data input, what you need is already prepopulated from your OGraph.


For bpmn 2. O software start with a blank canvas or save modeling time by copying a similar process to use as a starting point. Drag and drop elements onto the canvas using the palette, and easily undo changes if necessary.


Using AI enabled visualizations simplifies process modeling and save time with automated process diagram layout. Even the most complex process diagrams are made clear and readable with the click of a button, allowing you to focus on modeling instead of rearranging elements.

Ograph bpm process documentation visualizations automatically adjust to fit the screen format


Ograph buiness process management software uses Ai to automatically apply swimlanes to your process to view activities by role or department. Swimlanes also can be applied to sub-processes, and toggled on or off. And with automated layout, you get a clean drawing that brings clarity to task ownership. 

Sops and business processes are captured, modeled, mapped and visualized straight from your ograph org chart work.


Using AI enabled visualizations simplifies process modeling and save time with automated process diagram layout. Even the most complex process diagrams are made clear and readable with the click of a button, allowing you to focus on modeling instead of rearranging elements.

Visually compare the differences between two versions of the process. Easily roll back to a previous version.

Train with embeddedd documents, links, rich-text html.

Provide task owners with all the resources they need to complete a task, such as a policy or template. Create and attach a document using the built-in HTML editor, link to documents on a file share, or add a URL to link to an external site.

Built-in process validation saves time and ensures success

Validate your process models against BPMN 2.0 standards to quickly identify and correct issues before processes are executed.

Click an error in the validation report, and jump right to the issue in your process.

OGraph’s Data Makes Building Fun and Easy

OGraph’s main canvas and OGraph Business Process work off of the same data.  Your first step is to add your Roles and Procedures inside Ograph, then when you are inside OGraph Business Process – you use a drop down menu to select which Role owns the Procedure or. – Click easy.

Flower Power – Bonus Content

Bonus Content: Having helped over 200 companies running on EOS create strong Roles Based Accountability Charts, we have developed a fool proof way to get 100% of your companies Roles out in the open. The facilitaion is called the flower power exercise and here is link to the facilitation. 

Once you find and name your Roles, you write Purpose Statments for each Role. Normally put into the Rich-text editor for our clients.

"When I sat down, faced the reality, and modeled the cost to my company of not bringing new people up to speed using the 14 Point Checklist, I saw it was in the hundreds of thousands.”

- Clay G, CEO

“The really cool thing about using an Org Graph was to get all of our people into the game. Once our Individual Contributors saw how this was something we were doing “For Them” instead of “To Them”, they bought in and the Org Graph bloomed with amazing detail - all supplied by the people who really know what’s going on, amazing.”

- Bryan B, CEO

"Our engagement is up, our teams are more effective, people are able to go directly to the right person for an answer, when we want to change something we can SEE who it will impact and get them involved. All of this was hidden in the past behind layers of folders and files, text and outlines, never in simple diagrams and pictures, very powerful.”

- David, CEO

"The different ways to visualize the same thing really is amazing, sometimes I would look at what we created via a Hierarchical view and it was just scrambled eggs, then I clicked on Symmetrical View, and think, ah ha there it is, then we drill down with the Marquee Zoom tool and it just becomes clear, truly amazing.”

- Sara, Aqua Tots

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