Starting Today, Your Tribal Knowledge Stops Walking Out The Door! 

It’s Simple, Start For Free, Cancel anytime.*


* If you cancel, and then decide to come back, you can pick up where you left off. We will store your work for you – easy.

Not quite ready to start a free trial? Play in the sandbox first.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a User in OGraph?

Users in OGraph are the people that you grant a login to use the software. In our ideal world, a User is an “Employee” but we prefer the term Individual Contributor. The real power of OGraph comes when we empower the Individual Contributor to collaborate and update a Process, to improve a Position’s Purpose Statement to take an active role in keeping the data fresh.

What are Person Objects in OGraph?

A Person in your OGraph is someone filling a Job or executing Positions that are a function of the Job. We do not have an Employee in our Organizational Cognizance Model, we have a Person. To visualize a 21st Century Organization, limiting the People we include to just employees will stifle us, we need a way to capture all of our “gig people” and all of our contractors. 

When is my monthly bill calculated?

We bill your credit card monthly on your billing date based on the day of the month that you purchased your subscription. If your subscription was started on the 4th on the month that date becomes you renewal date.

Your subscription is based on the number of Person Objects in your account the day before your monthly renewal.


How is my monthly bill calculated?

If you have 100 Person Objects in your account your bill would be $129/month

50 Person Objects included
= $79/Month

50 Person Objects Additional
x $1/Month/Person
= $50/Month

Use our cost calculator to review your monthly recurring charges based on the number of Person Objects in your account.

"When I sat down, faced the reality, and modeled the cost to my company of not bringing new people up to speed using the 14 Point Checklist, I saw it was in the hundreds of thousands.”

- Clay G, CEO

“The really cool thing about using an Org Graph was to get all of our people into the game. Once our Individual Contributors saw how this was something we were doing “For Them” instead of “To Them”, they bought in and the Org Graph bloomed with amazing detail - all supplied by the people who really know what’s going on, amazing.”

- Bryan B, CEO

"Our engagement is up, our teams are more effective, people are able to go directly to the right person for an answer, when we want to change something we can SEE who it will impact and get them involved. All of this was hidden in the past behind layers of folders and files, text and outlines, never in simple diagrams and pictures, very powerful.”

- David, CEO

"The different ways to visualize the same thing really is amazing, sometimes I would look at what we created via a Hierarchical view and it was just scrambled eggs, then I clicked on Symmetrical View, and think, ah ha there it is, then we drill down with the Marquee Zoom tool and it just becomes clear, truly amazing.”

- Sara, Aqua Tots